Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture répertoriées dans la base ISI Web of Knowledge (ACL) :
AMMINI, P., ZHONG, X., ANGIA SRIRAM, P.R., JACQUET, S. 2014. Dynamics of auto- and heterotrophic picoplankton and associated viruses in Lake Geneva. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussion 18:1073-1084
Frossard, V., Verneaux, v., Millet, L., Jenny,J.P., Arnaud, F., Magny, M., Perga, M.E. 2014 Depth-specific responses of the chironomid community to contrasting anthropogenic pressures: a paleolimnological perspective of 150 years. Freshwater Biology 59:26-40.
Frossard, V., Verneaux, V. Millet, L., Jenny, J.P., Arnaud, F., Magny, M., Perga, M.E. 2014 Early view. Reconstructing long-term changes (150 years) in the carbon cycle of a clearwater lake using the stable carbon isotope composition (delta C-13) of chironomid and cladoceran subfossil remains. Freshwater Biology 59:789-802.
Giguet-Covex, C., Pansu, J., Arnaud, F., Rey,P.J., Griggo, C., Gielly, L., Domaizon, I., Coissac, E., David, F., Choler, P., Poulenard, J., Taberlet, P.. 2014 Long livestock farming history and human landscape shaping revealed by lake sediment DNA. Nature Communications, 5, 3211, doi:10.1038/ncomms4211.
Jenny, J. P., Wilhelm, B., Arnaud, F., Sabatier, P., GIGUET-Covex, C., Melo, A., Fanget, B., Malet, E., Ployon, e., Perga, M.E. 2014 A 4D sedimentological approach to reconstructing the flood frequency and intensity of the Rhône River (Lake Bourget, NW European Alps). Journal of Paleolimnology 51:469-483.
POLLET, T., HUMBERT, J.F., TADONLEKE R., 2014. Planctomycetes in lakes: poor or strong competitors for phosphorus? Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80: 819 -828
SAVICHTCHEVA, O., DEBROAS, D., PERGA, M.E., ARNAUD, F., LYAUTEY, E., KIRKHAM, A., CHARDON, C., ALRIC, B., DOMAIZON, I. 2014. Effects of nutrients and warming on Planktothrix dynamics and diversity: a palaeolimnological view based on sedimentary DNA and RNA. Freshwater Biology. doi:10.1111/fwb.12465
Zhong, X., Jacquet, S. 2014. Contrasting diversity of phycodnavirus signature genes in two large and deep western European lakes. Environmental Microbiology 67:66-82
ZHONG, X., COLOMBET, J., PRADEEP RAM, A.S, JACQUET, S. 2014 Variations in abundance, genome size, morphology, and functional role of the virioplankton of lakes Annecy and Bourget over a one-year study. Microbial Ecology 67:66-82
ZHONG, X., RIMET, F., JACQUET, S. 2014. Seasonal variations in PCR-DGGE fingerprinted viruses infecting phytoplankton in large and deep peri-alpine lakes. Ecological Research 29:271-287
ZHONG, X., JACQUET, S. 2014. Differing assemblage composition and dynamics in T4-like myophages of two neighbouring sub--alpine lakes. Freshwater Biology 59(8):1577-1595
BULTEL, E., LASNE, E., ACOU, A., GUILLAUDEAU, J., BERTIER, C., FEUNTEUN, E .Migration behaviour of silver eels (Anguilla anguilla) in a large estuary of Western Europe inferred from acoustic telemetry Estuarine costal and shelf science Volume: 137 Pages: 23-31 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.11.023 Published: JAN 20 2014
CAMPS, M., BARANI, A., GREGORI, G., Bouchez, A., Le Berre, B., Bressy, C., Blache, Y., Briand, J.F. (2014) Antifouling coatings influence both abundance and community structure of colonizing biofilms : a case study in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 80(16) : 4821-4831
Caudron, A., Lasne, E., Gillet, C., Guillard, J., Champigneulle, A. (2014). Thirty years of reoligotrophication do not contribute to restore self-sustaining fisheries of arctic charr, salvelinus alpinus, in lake Geneva. Fisheries Research 154 : 165-71.
Foulquier, A., Dehedin, A., Piscart, C., Montuelle, B., Marmonier, P. (2014) Habitat heterogeneity influences the response of microbial communities to severe low-flow periods in alluvial wetlands. Freshwater Biology 59 : 463-476
GUILLARD, J., LEBOURGES-DAUSSY, A., BALK, H., COLON, M., JÓŹWIK, A., GODLEWSKA, M., 2014. Comparing hydroacoustic fish stock estimates in the pelagic zone of temperate deep lakes using three frequencies (70, 120, 200 kHz). Inland Waters, sous presse
Kermarrec, L., Franc, A., Chaumeil, P., Rimet, F., Frigerio, J.M., HUMBERT, J.F., Bouchez, A. (2014) A Next-Generation Sequencing approach for river biomonitoring using benthic diatoms. Freshwater Science 33 (1):349-363
LARRAS, F., KECK, F., MONTUELLE, B., Rimet, F., BOUCHEZ, A. 2014 Linking diatoms sensitivity to herbicide to phylogeny: a step forward for biomonitoring? Environ. Sci. Technol. 48:1921-1930
LARRAS, F.,MONTUELLE, B., Rimet, F., CHEVRE, N., BOUCHEZ, A. 2014 Seasonal shift in sensitivity of a natural benthic microalgal community to a herbicide mixture: Impact on the protective level of threshols derived from Species Sensitivity Distribution. Ecotoxicology 23:1109-1123
LASNE, E., SABATIE, M-R., JEANNOT, N., CUCHEROUSSET, J. 2014 The effects of dam removal on river colonization by sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus. River Research and Applications DOI: 10.1002/rra.2789 (sous presse)
MARTIGNAC, F., DAROUX, A., BAGLINIERE, J.L., OMBREDANE, D., GUILLARD, J. (2014) The use of acoustic cameras in shallow waters: new hydroacoustic tools for monitoring migratory fish population. A review of DIDSON technology. Fish & Fisheries DOI: 10.1111/faf.12071
Richard, A., O'Rourke, J., Rubin, J-F. (2014) External fluorescence retention of calcein-marked juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta raised in natural and artificial environments. Journal of Fish Biology 84 : 73-84
TRANCART, T., ROCHETTE, S., ACOU, A., LASNE, E., FEUNTEUN, E. (2014). Where are shads at sea? A modeling approach based on a French bycatch fishery survey. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI: 10.3354/meps10907 (Sous presse)
DUPAS, R. , DELMAS, M., DORIOZ, J.M., GARNIER, J., MOATAR, F., GASCUEL ODOUX, C. Assessing the impact of agricultural pressures on N and P loads and eutrophication Risk. Ecological Indicators 48 : 396-407
ETIENNE, D., JOUFFROY-BAPICOT, I. 2014 Optimal counting limit for fungal spore abundance estimation using Sporormiella as a case study. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 23: 743-749
SCHOUMAN, O., CHARDON, C., BECHMANN, W.J., GASCUEL ODOUX, M.E., HOFMAN, C., KRONVANG, G., RUBAEK, B., Rubæk, ULEN, G.H., DORIOZ, J.M., 2013 Mitigation options to reduce phosphorus losses from the agricultural sector and improve surface water quality: a review. Sci. Total Environ., 468-469, 1255-1266.
WEZEL, A., OERTLI, B., ROSSET, V., ARTHAUD, F., LEROY, B., SMITH, R., ANGELIBERT, S., BORNETTE, G., VALLOD, D., ROBIN, J. Biodiversity patterns of nutrient-rich fish ponds and implications for conservation. Limnology, 15(3) : 213-223
ROBIN, J., WEZEL, A., BORNETTE, G., ARTHAUD, F., ANGELIBERT, S., ROSSET, V., OERTLI, B. 2014 Biodiversity in eutrophicated shallow lakes: determination of tipping points and tools for monitoring. Hydrobiologia, 723(1) : 63-75
Artigas, J., Pascault, N., Bouchez, A., Chastain, J., Debroas, D., Humbert, J.F., Leloup, J., Tadonléké D.,R., ter Halle A. & Pesce S. 2014.Comparative sensitivity to the fungicide tebuconazole of biofilm and plankton microbial communities in freshwater ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment 468-469: 326 – 336
Berthon, V., Alric B., Rimet F.,Perga M.E. 2014. Sensitivity and responses of diatoms to climate warming in lakes heavily influenced by humans. Freshwater Biology DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12380.
JACQUET, S., DOMAIZON, I., F RIMET, ANNEVILLE, O. 2014. The need for ecological monitoring of freshwaters in a changing world : a case study of Lakes Annecy, Bourget, and Geneva. Environment and Monitoring and Assessment. DOI 10.1007/s10661-014-3630-z
JACQUET, S., KERIMOGLU, O., RIMET, F., PAOLINI, G., ANNEVILLE, O. 2014 Cyanobacterial bloom termination: The disappearance of Planktothrix rubescens from a large resto
Jacquet, S., Domaizon, I., Anneville, O. 2014 The need for ecological monitoring of freshwaters in a changing world: A case study of Lakes Annecy, Bourget and Geneva. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
JENNY, P., ARNAUD, F., ALRIC, B., DORIOZ, J.M., SABATIER, P., MEYBECK, M., PERGA, M.E. Inherited hypoxia: A new challenge for reoligotrophicated lakes under global warming” Global Biogeochemical Cycles (en revision)
MONET, G., BARBET, D., Dispositif écoinformatique des ORE-SOERE. 2014 Réalisation et mise en production du système d'information du SOERE OLA sur les grands lacs (Base de données).
PASCAULT, N., ROUX, S., ARTIGAS, J., PESCE, S., LELOUP, J., TADONLÉKÉ D., R., DEBROAS, D., BOUCHEZ, A. & HUMBERT, J.F. An ecotoxicology study on freshwater bacterial communities and its responses to tebuconazole, assessed by high throughput sequencing. FEMS Microbiology Ecology DOI:10.1111/1574-6941.12416
Rimet, F., Trobajo, R., Mann, D.G., Kermarrec, L., Franc, A., Domaizon, I., Bouchez, A. 2014 When is sampling complete? The effects of geographical range and marker choice on perceived diversity in Nitzschia palea (Bacillariophyta). Protist 165:245-259
SABATIER, P. et al 2014 - Long-term relationship between pesticides applications, mobility and soil erosion in vineyard watershed” PNAS(accepted)
Sotton, B., Guillard, J., Anneville, O., MARÉCHAL, M., SAVICHTCHEVA, O., Domaizon, I., 2014 Trophic transfer of microcystins through the lake pelagic food web: evidence for the role of zooplankton as a vector in fish contamination. Science of the Total Environment. 466-467 : 152-163
SOTTON, B., DOMAIZON, I., ANNEVILLE, O., CATANEO, F., GUILLARD, J. 2014 Nodularin and cylindrospermopsin: a review of their effects on fish. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries, DOI 10.1007/s11160-014-9366-6
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture non répertoriées dans la base ISI Web of Knowledge (ACLN) :
BEN RHOMDANE, S., EL BOUR, M., HAMZA, A., MEJDEDDINE, K.M., JACQUET, S. 2014 Seasonal patterns of microbial communities with environmental conditions in Sidi Salem (the main temperate freshwater reservoir in Tunisia). International Journal of Limnology(sous presse)
JACQUET, S., PARIKKA, K.J. 2014. Virus de microbes: structures et fonctions, de la molecule à l’échelle des communautés. Virologie(sous presse)
PISTOCCHI, C., TAMBURINI, F., SAVOYE, L., BANESCHI, I., LACROIX, D., PERNEY, P.,DORIOZ, J.M., 2014 Développement d’une méthode d’extraction et purification des phosphates à partir de matrices sédimentaires pour l’analyse isotopique de leur oxygène, Cahiers Techniques de l’INRA.