Jacquet Stéphan

Jacquet Stéphan

Research Director English CV version



Family name, First name: Jacquet, Stéphan
Researcher unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6017-3892
Date of birth: July 18th 1971
Nationality: French
URL for web site: http://jacquet.stephan.free.fr/publications.html


2005: Defense of the empowerment to supervise research, University Savoie, France 

2000: PhD in marine biology - Université Paris 6/ Station Biologique de Roscoff/ France 

1996: Master in biological oceanography - Université Paris 6/ Paris & Roscoff/ France


2010-present:  Research Director - INRAE/ Department AQUA/ Lab. CARRTEL/ France


2001-2010: Young researcher - INRA/ Department EFPA/ Lab. CARRTEL/ France 

2000-2001: Young researcher (post-doc)- University of Bergen/ Department of Microbiology/ Norway


2000-2001: Individual European Marie Curie Fellowship, University of Bergen / Department of Microbiology / Norway 

2001: Price for the best PhD work awarded by the Britany 

1996-2000: Individual PhD Fellowship, Ministry of Research / University Paris VI (Biological Station of Roscoff) / France 

1998: Jacque Poutiers Price of the most original work in biological Oceanography as a PhD student awarded by the French Association of Oceanography 


2002-present: 6 post-docs / 6 PhD students / 30 Master degree students / 10 others. University Savoie Mont Blanc / INRAE-CARRTEL / France 

  • Post-doc: 2019: Jonathan DEROT, JSPS/CNRS, Shimane University, Japan (co-supervisor) ; 2012: Onur KERIMOGLU, University Savoie Mont Blanc fellowship, CARRTEL, France (co-supervisor) ; 2011: Parvathi AMMINI, Depart. EFPA fellowship, INRA, CARRTEL, France ; 2008-2010: Ludwig JARDILLIER, Haigneré fellowship, INRA, CARRTEL, France ; 2002: Jean-François BRIAND, EFPA fellowship, INRA, CARRTEL, France (co-supervisor) 
  • PhDs: 2017-2021: Jade EZZEDINE, INRA & University Savoie Mont Blanc fellowship, CARRTEL, France (8 publications) ; 2010-2014: Xu ZHONG, regional fellowship, CARRTEL, France (awarded - price of the best European PhD work on freshwater sciences awarded by EFFS, 11 publications) ; 2009-2013: Samira BEN RHONDAME, INSTM, Sfax, Tunisie (co-supervisor) ; 2006-2010, Lyria BERDJEB, INRA & University Savoie Mont Blanc fellowship, CARRTEL, France (8 publications) ; 2005-2009: Anne ROLLAND, Eaux de Paris fellowship, CARRTEL, France (4 publications) ; 2003-2007: Sébastien PERSONNIC, University Savoie Mont Blanc fellowship, CARRTEL, France (6 publications)
  • >30 MASTER degree students and undergraduate students


Since 2015, head of the teaching module “lacustrine systems” for the MASTER-2 ECOMONT of University Savoie Mont Blanc, two complete weeks of teaching each year 

2021: Teacher at summer school Thonon – bio-indication, INRAE CARRTEL / France

2019: Teacher at summer school Bourget – ecological surveys, University Savoie / France

2014: Teacher at summer school Evian – lake ecology, INRA CARRTEL / France


2018: Member of the scientific committee of the International Symposium of big lakes, Evian, 350 part. 

2012-2014-2016-2018-2022: Member of the scientific committee of the International Days of Limnology and Oceanography / 100 part.

2010: Convenor, International days of Limnology / 180 part. / France 

2006: Convenor, 1st national meeting about Lake Bourget / 120 part. / France

2005-2009:  Convenor, aquatic virus network meetings each year for 3 years / 50 part. / France 

2005: Convenor, 1st European Workshop on Aquatic Phage Ecology (ESF) / 90 part. / France

2002-…: Convenor of the cycle of seminaries of the lab. since 2002 (now also via a YouTube channel), CARRTEL, France 


2021-…: Diving representative for my institute INRAE at the national scale 

2020-2024: Member of the scientific committee of the department INRAE AQUA and of the evaluation panel board of INRAE

2020-…: Animator of the research axis BITOIC at CARRTEL 

2019-…: Representative of young researchers and research directors at CARRTEL 

2009-…: Member of the faculty committee, section of population biology (Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc) 

2006-…: Member of the scientific committee of Lake Bourget 

2003-2007: Co-animator of a research group at CARRTEL and of the starting lake observatory project

2002-2006: Associate member of the scientific committee of the department of Ecology at INRA 

2002-…: Creator and animator of the internal seminar cycle 


2022-…: Chief Editor of International Journal of Limnology 

2021-…: Writer of the congress EFFS label, member of working groups, judge of oral and poster presentations at SEFS

2014-…: Member of the reviewing Board of Frontiers in Microbiology 

2013-…: Member of the reviewing Board of Microbial Ecology 

2010-…: Member of the Editorial Board of Advances in Oceanography and Limnology 

2001-…: Regular reviewer for >20 different journals (Frontiers in Microbiology, The Isme Journal, Microbial Ecology, Limnology & Oceanography, FEMSMicrobiology Ecology, Harmful Algae, etc…) & of scientific proposals for a variety of organisations (e.g. European Science Foundation, National Switzerland Fund, Dutch Research Council, Ministry of Luxembourg, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, etc…) 


2021-…: Member of the AND’O and restoration networks 

2021-…: Founder and national representative of the INRAE scientific diving network 

2020-…: Member of the scientific committee des Espaces Naturels de Haute Savoie (Natural habitats) 

2018-…: Member of the scientific committee of AQUALIS (Aix-les-Bains), of the Eco-museum of Lake Geneva (Thonon) 

2018-…: Member of the national PHAGE network  

2018-…: Member of the international Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON)

2017-…: President of the scientific and ethic committee of the national Association Longitude 181 

2017-…: Member of the scientific committee of the Chablais UNESCO Geopark 

2017-…: Co-founder and secretary of the Association Leman Passion  

2015-…: Member of the scientific committee of the Museum of Lake Geneva (Nyon, Switzerland), President of the aquarium brainstorming group   

2009-…: Associated member of the national committee of scientific diving, repr. INRAE and secretary 

2007-…: Associated Member of the French Association of Limnology, vice-president from 2009 to 2019, President since 2020 


I had/have the chance to work with colleagues from a variety of countries (US, UK, Austria, Japan, Norway, Denmark, Monaco, Holland, UK, Israel, Switzerland, Italy, Canada, India, etc...). Only a few names are provided: Monaco: C Ferrier-Pagès (coral microbial ecology); Norway: G Bratbak, F Thingstad, (viral and microbial marine ecology) ; Austria: M Weinbauer, P Peduzzi (viral ecology) ; Denmark: M Middelboe, H Havskum (microbial and phytoplankton ecology) ; Italy: R Danovaro (aquatic viral ecology)  ; Japan: T Miki, H Yajima (viral ecology or cyanobacterial bloom and modelisation) ; Switzerland: M Beniston (Cyanobacterial bloom and modelisation) ; US: WKW Li, M Landry, KM Karl, R Noble, S Wilhelm (aquatic plankton ecology) ; UK: W Wilson (aquatic viral ecology) ; India: P Ammini (viral diversity) ; Canada: C Suttle (aquatic viral ecology) ; Israel: E Jurkevitch (bacterial predators) 

Modification date: 27 June 2023 | Publication date: 11 April 2008 | By: SJ / ED