Chiapusio Geneviève

Chiapusio Geneviève

Associate Professor with Habilitation


Tél. : +33 (0)4 79 75 81 07

Mail : genevieve.chiapusio[at] 

Research Focus

 Effects of environmental changes (climate changes, pollutions, changes in resources etc.) on the biology and dynamics of macro and microscopic plants associated with their micro-organisms and their living environment (soil, sediment, water). The production of chemical molecules of defence and communication (allelopathy) of these plants is particularly targeted.

  • Questions: 1) Could the chemical interactions between i) the primary microalgae producers (chlorophyceae, diatoms, cyanobacteria), ii) the macrophytes and iii) the microalgae and macrophytes could act in the dynamics of these communities and therefore more generally in the functioning of lake systems subjected to anthropogenic forcing? 2) What fate and effects of pollutants / contaminants in water-rich environments (coastal areas, wetlands, peatlands) in particular to provide indicators for their restoration?  
  • Approaches and tools : Experimental approaches in microcosms, mesocosms and in situ, Analytical techniques for extracting and quantifying organic molecules in different matrices (ASE, soxlhet, SPE..), Current plant ecophysiology techniques and stress markers (14C..), plant primary and secondary metabolites  (UHPLC-UV…)



  • Since September 2019 : Associate Pr with the habilitation CARRTEL, University Savoie Mont Blanc, Bourget du Lac (France)
  • 2016- 2018 : Full time researcher for the INRA – Laboratory CARRTEL Bourget du Lac-Thonon les Bains (France)
  • 2010-2019 Associate Pr. with the habilitation Lab ChronoEnvironnement University of Franche Comté – Montbéliard, France
  • 2002-2010 Associate Pr. Lab. Biologie Environnementale University of Franche Comté – Montbéliard, France
  • 2002 Post Doc SLU (Pr MC Nilsson) Sweden
  • 2001-2002 Temporal Associate Pr (50%) University of Savoie, France


  • 2013 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches-Université de Franche Comté, France
  • 2000 PhD in Biology, University of Savoie (France) and University of  Vigo (Espagne)
  • 1996 Master in Ecology Joseph Fourrier University, Grenoble, (France)

Teaching since 2019 (University Savoie Mont Blanc)

  • Plant Biology (Licence SV-ST1), Chemical Ecology and global changes (Licence SV3, LPro agronomy), Fate and effects of pollutants in the vegetation (Master Chimie 2)

Supervised theses and Post doc

  • Loic Young (2016-2019) Operation and performance of the poplar-nettle agroforestry system in the context of organizational phytomanagement -Co-supervisors C Bertheau-Rossel, M Chalot (Lab ChronoEnvironnement)
  • Guillaume Foursov (2016- PhD Interruption in 2019) Roles of chemical interactions in the functioning of peatlands subjected to global changes- Co-supervisors P Binet, C Bertheau-Rossel (Lab ChronoEnvironnement)
  • Dorine Desalme (2007-2011) Transfer of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) of atmospheric origin into soil and plants- Co-supervisors P Binet, D Gilbert, N Bernard (Lab ChronoEnvironnement)
  • Vincent Jassey (2008-2011) Impact of global warming on the functioning of the Sphagnosphere: polyphenol-microbial community relationships. Co-supervisors P Binet, D Gilbert (Lab ChronoEnvironnement)
  • Post Doc : Soraya Rouifed (2013), Clément Bardon (2015), A Millet (2014), Iftikhar Hussain (2009) Quynh Trang Bui (2007)

Recent lectures given


  • International Conference of Ecological Sciences Sfécologie-2018 : Foursov G, Bertheau-Rossel C, Binet P, Rouifed S, Meiffren G, Bardon C, Comte G, Criquet S, Priault P, Chiapusio G. How do climate warming affect Sphagnum secondary metabolites?
  • ELLS-IAGLR Big lakes, small word 2018: G Chiapusio, Isabelle Domaizon, Olivia Feliciano, Elizabeth M. Gross, Frederic Rimet, Laura Crépin, Cécile Chardon, Pascal Perney, Stéphan Jacquet. Possible allelochemical interactions between single cell and filamentous cyanobacteria ? A case study with Synechococcus sp and Planktothrix rubescens isolated from Lake Bourget (France)

Recent publications


  • G Chiapusio, VEJ Jassey, F Bellvert, G Comte, L Weston, F Delarue, A Butler, ML Toussaint, P Binet 2018. Sphagnum species modulate their phenolic profiles and mycorrhizal colonization of surrounding Andromeda polifolia around peatland microhabitats. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44 : 1146-1157.
  • MK Reczuga, M Lamentowicz, EAD Mitchell, M Mulot, A Buttler, B Chojnicki, M Slowinski, P Binet, G Chiapusio, D Gilbert, S Slowinska, V Jassey 2018. Predator-prey mass ratio drives microbial activity under dry conditions in Sphagnum peatlands. Ecology and Evolution. 1-13
  • G Chiapusio, D Desalme, P Binet, F Pellissier. 2018. Carbon radiochemicals (14C) and stable isotopes (13C): crucial tools to study plant-soil interactions in ecosystems In Advances in Plant Ecophysiology Techniques, Kluwer. (ISBN 978-3-319-93232-3) pp 483-502
  • S. Latif, G. Chiapusio, L.A. Weston 2017. Allelopathy and the Role of Allelochemicals in Plant Defence in How Plants Communicate with their Biotic Environment Edited by Guillaume Becard. Advances in Botanical Research Volume 82, 19-54.

Recent research projects

  • Domlac project 2021 EC2CO (Resp S Rasconi) : Terrestrial subsidies to lake food webs: tracing organic matter transfers by experimental approach
  • Dynamot project 2018-2020 (Co-responsibility B David) ZABR-Agence de l’eau. Dynamic and effects of persistent organic micro pollutants in an alkaline peatland under restauration ("Chimie de campagne")
  • Medialac project 2017-2018 – Innovative project INRA Are plant chemical mediations present in the French lakes ? ("Allo les plantes avec l'allélopathie")

Editorship and Scientific responsabilities

  • Since 2021 : Co-responsibility with A. Dabrin of the scientific axe « Flux of Pollutants, Ecotoxicology, Ecosystems » Zone Atelier Bassin du Rhône (ZABR)
  • Since 2018 : Co- responsibility of the axe « Chemical Ecology in a changing world » GDR Mediatec. Co- organizer and member of the Scientific comity of the Chemical Ecology School 2019 (Clermont Ferrand, France)
  • Since 2017 Member of the national Scientific Comity CNRS EC2CO Biohefect and Hybige
  • Since 2016 : Associate Editor of the Allelopathy Journal
  • Since 2014 : Secretary of the International Allelopathy Society - Co-chair for the 8th World Congress of Allelopathy, Marseille, July 2017 (Chair: C Fernandez, Co Chairs : A Bousquet Mélou, G Chiapusio)
  • Since 2012 : Member of the « National Observatory of peatlands »
  • Since 2020 : Member of the Scientific Comity of the Parc Naturel Régional du Haut Jura (France).

Additional activities : Scientific communication and mediation

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Modification date: 27 June 2023 | Publication date: 29 May 2017 | By: DB