Time scales coupling

Time scales coupling

Lakes are among the most seasonally forced ecosystems on Earth, producing cyclic patterns in water column mixing, nutrient supply and phytoplankton biomass. However, the focus on seasonal variations (e.g. in temperature) can underestimate the amplitude of long-term response of lakes, and minore the effects of some external forcings. To reconcile timescales approaches, the theme investigates the impacts of human activities on geochemical cycles by coupling limnology, paleolimnology and modeling approaches. Lake biogeochemistry will be investigated in four perialpine lakes by coupling monthly to centennal variations of C cycles, including estimates of net primary production (NPP) in littoral and pellagic zone, oxygen conditions, terrigenous supplies. 


Fig. 1. Observation need to be integrated across time and space scales. Example of the range of observations from a Land to ocean fluxes perspective. x-axis is in km.