Littoral-Pelagic interactions

Littoral-Pelagic interactions

Transitions between aquatic and terrestrial environments are recognized as biogeochemically active ecotones that can be a sink or a source of nutrient and GHG to the atmosphere or the pelagic zone. In this theme, we investigate the temporal variations of the net primary production (NPP) both in the littoral and pelagic zone and estimate their relative contribution to the total carbon (C) transformation and C burial in lake sediment, on decadal and centennal timescales. Questions addressed here: 

  • NPP trends for the last decades and centuries in some perialpine lakes (e.g. Lake Aiguebelette)
  • The retention in the littoral zone of nutrients (C,N,P) supplied from lake-watersheds 
  • Quantification of atmospheric N supplies to the lake and burial rates estimates in the littoral zone